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Skills session by appointment

Blended Learning Skills Testing. Text Cindy 219-865-5596 to schedule

Price varies
Forest Park Drive|Finley Court

Service Description

Please refer to my website if you have any questions on the Blended Learning. Pricing depends on which skills test you need.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

A place in the class will be reserved just for you. Space is limited and there is usually a waiting list. Due to the type of preparation we must make before our classes, there are no refunds issued if you cancel or if you do not attend a course, in these cases, you forfeit your payment. You may reschedule one time (must be at least 48 hours before class). Rescheduled class must take place within 30 days. You MUST arrive at class 5-15 min. before class time to get signed in. If you arrive after the class has started, you are considered a 'no show' and will not be able to attend class. American Heart Association requires that you attend the entire course, you may not come late. Take CPR Today reserves the right to cancel a class at anytime due to weather conditions or any uncontrollable circumstance. PLEASE EMAIL US AT AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED TRAINING if you need to reschedule your class for one time with no fee. We strongly encourage our students to verify the correct certification required with their employers/organizations, Take CPR Today is not responsible if you sign up for the wrong class. Please contact us prior to registering if you have any questions/concerns.

Contact Details

  • 2681 Forest Park Drive, Dyer, IN, USA

  • 8968 Finley Court, Cedar Lake, IN, USA

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